This project was a very free and fun project to work on. My overall role in the creation of the mural was to create 5-6 buildings or more for the cityscape. I used the names of major cities to create my building out of text. I also used descriptive words as well. I used the text on a path tool to make the text go all around the lines of the outside as well as make the building with no lines and just add layers until it resembled a building.
The final thing is did was to fix a little problem the file had the day we were going to print it. There was a large square cut out at the bottom of the mural so I used the clone tool to recreate the text that was above and below the "hole". In some cases the overlapping of text was drastic so I had to go in really close and erase any mistakes or lines that did not match up correctly.
Although I enjoyed doing the project I am sure glad that it is done!